martes, 6 de abril de 2021

*Summary of the Venezuelan Ministry of People´s Powers for Defense MPPDefense´s statements, General in Chief (GJ) Vladimir Padrino López*



 *#Apure – border territory has approximately 10 thousand kms2.

*Colombia breaks the Peace Accords and perpetrates by outsourcing to its irregular groups

*Colombia has been at war for more than 70 years and its people suffer the evils.

*Venezuela suffers the impacts of the Colombian war on the borders.

*The US injects billions of dollars into Colombian drug trafficking.

*Colombia has more than 8 million victims due to the acts of: Violence and War.

*The census says that there are 3,500 people in Victoria but the media "blatantly lie”. 

*Venezuela does not do a media show with the 6 million Colombians who have arraived in Venezuela.

*Colombian media say that 6,000 Venezuelans were transferred, even though the fact is that 3,000 live in Victoria.

*"Irregular Groups" have planted (mines) to impose "Violence within the Bolivarian Territory".

*(I heard that Colombia was activating thousands of officials) but they have not yet arrived.

*The US strategy is "to outsource the war in Colombia with armed groups".

*Colombia neglected the border.

*The US wants to seize a (Bolivarian Border Territory).

*An audio of a peasant is projected, which expresses what is happening on the border.

*What they want is "to go off to the Venezuelan territory".

*The "Bolivarian Shield Exercises" are a wall to keep all evils at bay.

*The Venezuelan people recognize “the efforts of the FANB to defend Sovereignty”.

*The FANB has been fighting for years against Colombian violence and war.

*The Madelein Garcia video´s is projected from the Community of La Victoria - Estado Apure.

*Video YouTube:

*What is happening in Apure is not only about the attack on the military but also the media.

*What is happening in Apure is not only about the attack on the military but also to the communication media.

*It was tried in a liberated way to cause psychoterror by via WhatsApp.

*The all media issue - has been a line of analysis.

*The opinion´s matrices of the Colombian media have fallen under their own weight before the people of Apure.

*¿Why does Colombia not investigate the massacres and the production of cocaine in its own territory?.

*They published "FAKE NEWS" about what happened in the Apure State and trying to deceive the world.

*We have had some “Soldiers” fallen in this singular combat.

*About the journalists, "in charge of denouncing some arrests is totally false."

*We have identified planting of mines.

*389 victims in 2020; the International Committee of the Red Cross, reported and this is in the North of Santander, Cauca and Mariño.

*We also have (clearance capacity - throughout the conflict zone).

*In addition, “we ask to the UN – emergency support to deactivate – all mines at the border”.

*Just as we sent a letter to the UN Secretary – denouncing the irregular groups.

*And we have request the UN for its good offices to deactivate the mines in our territory.

*At the same way, we sent a letter to the Secretary of the UN Security Council.

*We denounce to the UN Security Council the irregular groups of Colombia.

*We have dismantled all the Camps and we have suffered the loss of 8 comrades from the FANB.

*We have deactivated 16 explosive devices throughout the territory.

*We did in 15 days, what Colombia could have done in a year.

*We tell to the whole country we're going to clean this up.

*The FANB has executed 33 arrests and 9 terrorist casualties.

*A special operations zone has been created in the border territory of Apure itself.

*Two army generals with special battalions advanced towards Apure.

*And the Security Zones are installed at the Municipalities of: Páez, Muñoz and Gallegos de Apure.

*We are going to evict the irregular groups from our territory.

*Apure is returning to normality to guarantee Peace and Security.

*Apure is ours. It belongs to the spearmen of Páez, of Negro Primero. Apure is Venezuela and we are going to defend it at all costs.

*Apure is ours. It belongs to the lancers of Páez, from Negro Primero. Apure is Venezuela and we are going to defend it at all costs.

*A video is projected for our Venezuelan people, especially for the people of Apure.

*So concludes the Declarations of our MPPDEFENSE   G / J Vladimir Padrino López*

*The Communication Management – Directorate of the Military Command for REDI CAPITA keeps you informed at the moment*


Con El Mazo Dando

Legend: 2nd. Vice President of the PSUV and founder "Con el Mazo Dando"; Captain (EJ) Diosdado Cabello Rondon, he says.


Padrino López: The violent events in Apure are linked to Colombian drug trafficking. 

Minister Padrino: The lies about what happened in Apure "fall under their own weight". (+Fake News)

G/J Padrino López: The imperial strategy is to outsource the war in Colombia.

Defense Minister: We have a clear vision of what the threats are (+Colombia).

Padrino López: Colombia has no interest in solving the problem that has been going on for more than 70 years.

Padrino López: All defense personnel are dedicated to clearing the territory of mine.

Activated: An Special Temporary "Integral Defense Operational Zone" in three municipalities of Apure 

Padrino López: 12 billion dollars injected into the Colombian economy as a result of drug trafficking.

Defense Minister: We are not going to allow any force to rest on Venezuelan territory! 


Video Facebook: Padrino López Apure is ours….


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